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Suggested Reading
Zen is known for its emphasis on wisdom developed from within, which is “transmitted“outside the scriptures.” Wisdom doesn’t come from intellectual study. Despite this important point, there is a rich body of literature that can help a sincere practitioner cultivate their understanding and live a life that is in accord with the teachings. Here is some suggested reading for those new to Zen who would like to supplement their practice with self-study.
Beck, Charlotte Joko. Everyday Zen: Love and Work. HarperCollins. 2007.
Maezumi, Taizan. Appreciate Your Life: The Essence of Zen Practice. Shambhala. 2001.
Maezumi, Taizan and Bernie Glassman. On Zen Practice: Body, Breath and Mind. Wisdom Publications, 2002.
Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. Shambhala. 1977.
Uchiyama, Kosho. Opening the Hand of Thought: Foundations of Zen Buddhist Practice. Wisdom Publications. 2004.